Board Vision

Our Vision is to develop a community, where people of all ethnic backgrounds are celebrated and respected for their unique heritage and contributions made in the West Alabama area.

Board Mission

Our Mission is to elevate the heritage of people of color and other underrepresented minority groups by presenting programs, which inspire positive values, develop strong role models, and support community service with a primary focus on the youth community.

President’s Message

Living in Harmony while Embracing our Heritage

If we can foster a mutual understanding of individual love as it relates to culture and heritage, and express the significance of maintaining harmony in our community among different cultures, we can, without a doubt, Live in Harmony while we Embrace our Heritage.

Samyra C. Snoddy
President, West Alabama Multicultural Alliance, Inc

Board of Directors
Vincent Brown
Marcia Bygraves
Marc Bygraves
Vanessa Cade
Carol Conner
Dennis Conner
Tempra Harris-Tyrues
Teresa Harris
Lakida Hill
Elijah Hood
LaJuan Hutchinson
Sonya Hutchinson
Amanda Jackson
Loretta Jones
Rebecca Minder
Dwight Monroe
Genea Monroe
Jacqueline Pryor
Samyra Snoddy
Kevil Tice
Karen Thompson-Jackson